Women Empowerment

The women of Uganda are the most undereducated gender for many reasons; one of the catalysts is poverty. Families are so poor that the girl is the one removed from school to help at home or to be married off (as young as 11) to alleviate another mouth to feed. Whatever the reason, these women/girls no longer have access to education which then continues a cycle of poverty because they are usually the ones left alone raising children. We want to end this cycle by bringing classes to these villages.

Due to AIDs/HIV the children in this village lose 1 or both parents. Education is the key to help stop the cycle of girls and women being discarded and used as 2nd or 3rd wives. Spending the rest of their lives in the fields or having children and being left to fend for themselves which can lead to prostitution and other fates where they do not have choices. Read More